Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"French Takeaway" From the Supermarket- Definitely not MacDonalds!

Being on my own tonight and not having anyone to cook for me or to cook for, I passed the Intermarche supermarket and bought my diner - I only had to stop at the bakery in Salornay on the way home because the bread was so bad in the supermarket! Following is the illustrated guide to preparing Cassoulet au Confit de Canard!

A can of duck confit cassoulet
photo by ChigyTweet
(Creative Commons Some Limitations License)

The first step in preparation is to pull the ringtab!

Open can of cassoulet ready for the pan
photo by ChigyTweet
(Creative Commons Some Limitations License)

Doesn't seem to work in a steamer!

The steamer wouldn't cook the cassoulet
photo by ChigyTweet
(Creative Commons Some Limitations License)

So into the saucepan

Heating the cassoulet in the saucepan
photo by ChigyTweet
(Creative Commons Some Limitations License)

Then onto the plate!

Finaly diner is served
photo by ChigyTweet
(Creative Commons Some Limitations License)

The Verdict - really good beans, quite nice sausage but rather tough and tasteless confit - think I'll rely on my own cooking next time!

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